Sunday, February 21, 2010

Growing a Bird Garden

Although most of us still have snow on the ground and no immediate respite on the horizon, it is a good time to think about your yard and garden. Grass is generally a poor use of yard space and very demanding on the environment. We tend to water, fertilize, and cut (using electricity/gas as well as creating noise pollution) our grass very regularly. Most people spend hours more caring for their grass than they do ever enjoying it. Why not convert some of your grass area either into a vegetable garden or a bird garden?

MyBirdScape offers a quick and easy seed package to take the first easy steps towards creating a bird garden. It is easy to attract birds, provide them with more nutritious food, and have a beautiful landscape!

If you choose to convert some yard space into a bird garden sanctuary, you can even work towards having it certified as a wildlife habitat - how cool is that!

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