Saturday, June 27, 2009

Paper and Postage Stamps

Paper accounts for approximately 35-40% of landfill contents. Try tio be aware of how much paper you create. While recycling is a good option for paper, it is better to refuse.

An easy place to begin is by reducing the paper in your mailbox. Start by switching one bill to paperless; get email statements and pay electronically. This saves paper and saves you money on postage stamps.

How about all those catalogues you get in the mail? You probably get a copy of them emailed to you. Phone the stores and cancel them.

Do you read the newspaper you receive? If not, consider cancelling it and just buying it when you read it.


When you are done with your magazines, share with a neighbour. Better yet, drop them off at the hairdresser's or doctor's office next time you are there.

Reducing paper is a collective effort, so tell a friend!

And Always Remember to Compost!

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