One way to reduce trash is to throw away less produce. How often do you toss away fruits and vegetables because they have spoiled? Try to reduce that by using up what you have before buying more. Not only does wasted produce cost you money and increase the landfill, but that produce used a lot of energy to get to your table! By buying only what we use, we save our pocketbooks, the landfill, and energy costs to bring us the food.
Some simple ideas to use up produce that is going bad:
- fruits - flash freeze them then use them in smoothies - this is especially great for things such as berries, grapes, or stone fruits (peaches, nectarines, etc.)
- pears and oranges: if they aren't nice enough to eat, use them right away in a smoothie
- Smoothies: If you don't want a smoothie right now, and can't pawn it off on family members, make it into popsicles for a perfect afternoon treat!
- bananas - freeze them and use them later in banana bread
- apples: make apple brown betty or apple crisp. Make apple muffins.
- vegetables - freeze and use them later to make homemade broth (when you have enough frozen vegies, dump them all into your crockpot, cover with water, simmer for several hours, then strain. Use right away or freeze in single server portions to use later). I use almost all vegetables, but things like onions, carrots, and parsely (stalks) are ideal. (I wouldn't put leaf vegetables in here.)
If all else fails, compost!